Sponsor a Low Income Student!

Sponsor a Student
Please consider supporting one of our low-income students who want to learn English and get closer to their goal.
Any donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated and will assist us in helping others.
Among the benefits of sponsorship are:
Low-income participants having the opportunity to enroll in an ESL program.
The availability of books and materials for the participants in the classes.
Registration for either the online or in-person sessions.
Participation in extracurricular events, such as the end-of-semester celebration and graduation at the end of the year!
Your Added bonus:
Making a positive difference in the lives of others, their families, and their communities will give you a sense of accomplishment.
You will also have the possibility to join (together with your organization, if you desire) in future SRA Ministries partnerships.
You will be invited to their commencement ceremony.
And more.